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Как справляют новый год в испании ** английском языке

Сегодня примерно в 13:47 на наш email ящик поступил вопрос, который наши модераторы от-несли к категории Разное. Постараемся дать на него полноценный ответ.

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Как справляют новый год в испании на английском языке

Ответ с привлечением экспертов

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Как справляют новый год в испании на английском языке

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The Spanish people love to celebrate the New year with a Grand scale, noisy and fun. Walk, walk way. By the number of fireworks Spaniards can compete with Italians. Symbol of the holiday is traditionally considered to be red. Therefore, in the new year night Spaniards try to dress in red.


Most of the Spanish like to spend the New Year eve and the New Year day with their family members and close friends. It is also a common sight among the youngsters as well. There is a very interesting tradition followed among the Spanish during the New Year-eating 12 grapes. These grapes are eaten at every stroke of the clock as it strikes 12 on the New Year eve.Each grape is meant for each of the 12 months and traditionally it is believed that eating grapes at the beginning of the year brings good luck and prosperity for all 12 months. It was first started by the King of Spain and is still widely followed among the conservative Spanish families. People who gather at the world famous New Year event held at, Puerta del Sol in Madrid before the countdown begins, also follow the traditions.New year celebrations for the Spaniards have no meaning if it is not spent with family. Elders in the home traditionally prepare a special round ring shaped cake which is cut exactly at 12’o clock in the presence of all family members and friends. The round ring shape is given as it symbolizes good luck. The striking feature of the cake is that the cook, while preparing it, puts some small gifts and good luck charms inside it. While eating the cake, whoever gets these goodies, is sure to have a good luck throughout the year.

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