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Сегодня примерно в 21:38 на наш email ящик поступил вопрос, который наши модераторы от-несли к категории Разное. Постараемся дать на него полноценный ответ.
34 баллов дам Помогите плиз
Правда или не правда напишите
Are the sentences true or false?
1.There are ten big parks in London.
2.London's famous Zoo is in St. James's Park
3.There are different animals and birds from diffeent countries and continents in London.
4.You can play games in the parks in London
5.Londoners don't like their parks.
6.You can give bananas to the monkeys in the Zoo.
По тексту
London is a very big city. More than eight million people live in London. London is a green city. There are many parks in London. The biggest parks are: Hyde Park, St. James’s Park and Regent’s Park.London’s famous Zoo is in Regent’s Park. In the Zoo there are animals and birds from different countries and continents. There you can see crocodiles and monkeys, elephants and giraffes, lions and tigers and a lot of other animals. You can give bananas to the monkeys! The English enjoy visiting the Zoo.In English parks you can do lots of things and have a very good time: you can sit on the green grass, you can play football and other games, ride horses, watch ducks, you can walk or have a quiet talk with your friends or read your book. Londoners love their parks!
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34 баллов дам Помогите плиз
Правда или не правда напишите
Are the sentences true or false?
1.There are ten big parks in London.
2.London's famous Zoo is in St. James's Park
3.There are different animals and birds from diffeent countries and continents in London.
4.You can play games in the parks in London
5.Londoners don't like their parks.
6.You can give bananas to the monkeys in the Zoo.
По тексту
London is a very big city. More than eight million people live in London. London is a green city. There are many parks in London. The biggest parks are: Hyde Park, St. James’s Park and Regent’s Park.London’s famous Zoo is in Regent’s Park. In the Zoo there are animals and birds from different countries and continents. There you can see crocodiles and monkeys, elephants and giraffes, lions and tigers and a lot of other animals. You can give bananas to the monkeys! The English enjoy visiting the Zoo.In English parks you can do lots of things and have a very good time: you can sit on the green grass, you can play football and other games, ride horses, watch ducks, you can walk or have a quiet talk with your friends or read your book. Londoners love their parks!
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